It Begins...

Fed up with the bureaucracy of Court "El Jefe" Sullivan, I'm going under the radar, starting my blog. Soon my following will be enough to topple the Court Jester and burn his empire asunder. Or it will get linked to PIC. Either way, really.
I would go into a big "this is what my blog will be about" thing, but I don't think I will because 1) you'll get a feel for the blog after a little bit, and 2) I'm pretty lazy.
Fuck the University of Pittsburgh. They defeated my beloved Bulls yesterday to the tune of 31-17. It was, in a word, brutal (or so I heard, I was waiting tables at the time). This loss shows that the domination of Louisville three weeks ago was indeed a fluke, as the Bulls are not NEARLY consistent enough to be any real threat. Our homecoming is this Saturday against the conference leaders, West Virginia. This game will make or break us in terms of post season play. I plan on getting royally smashed to properly take in the game. Oh, and with luck, Ill be able to tell you about my attempts to get my Store Manager and District Manager hammered.
This weekend, I was disenfranchised by the King of Franchises, McDonald’s. After playing online poker for an hour or two, my associates and myself decide to make a run to the 24 D’s near his place. No dice, the building is being remodeled (so perhaps I was really disfranchised). “Fuck that,” says I, “I want some goddamn McDonald’s now.” My friends agree, and thirty-five minutes later we’re in the drive through line at another 24 hr McDonald’s, this one near a quite famous strip club in Tampa. We get in line at 4:45 (AM) and when we get to the order screen, we are told to head to the first window to place the order. Begrudgedly, we accept this, commenting the whole time that “this is a whole helluva lot to go through for some Mickey D’s.” But I remain hopeful. Despite all our problems, this McDonald’s will be the best we’ve ever had. I was sure of it. So anyway, we get to the window, and he informs us that they’re selling breakfast now (it’s 5:20 by this point). Dejected, we left with nary a nugget. Upon being on the road for a few, it dawns on me that had we been able to place our order at the screen, we would have been able to make the five o’clock time. Fortunately for them, I was too tired by that point to be really pissed off.
Though looking back on it now, I’m becoming frustrated with late night dining in general. As a connoisseur of eating past 2 in the morning, I’ve had it with fantastically long waits and inexplicably shitty food. McDonalds, Steak N’ Shake, Denny’s, get your act together!! You KNOW everyone will be coming by later, so put an extra man in the kitchen and another person on the floor, for Chrissakes! I’m a server; I know the job isn’t that hard. Let’s join together today to create a better tomorrow night/early next morning.
And why the hell is “chrysies” in my spell check dictionary, but “chrissakes” isn’t?
What is a "chrysies", anyway?
A nickname for chrysanthemum, apparantly.
That IS a helluva lot to go through for some McD's... and you didn't even get any. Damn man. By the way, thanks for asking that Stacie, cuz I was gonna.
I did indeed. Thanks for your suggestion. I probably wouldn't have otherwise. So I guess if its crappy, everyone can blame you.
Damnit, Nikki.
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